Shareholders Committee Election Results

14 Aug 2023

EA Networks is pleased to announce the result of the recently completed Shareholders Committee election. Jeanette Maxwell has been reelected with Stuart Begg newly elected to the committee. 

The Shareholders Committee represents the interests of all shareholders, and consists of seven members. Four members are voted to the committee by customer shareholders, with the remaining three appointed by the Ashburton District Council. Responsibilities include; appointing directors, scrutinising the company’s Statement of Corporate Intent and monitoring the performance of the company on behalf of all shareholders. 

This year, current committee members Jeanette Maxwell and Ian Cullimore retired by rotation. EA Networks’ Constitution requires that at least one member of the committee is a ‘farmer’. As the only farmer nominee, Jeanette was elected unopposed.  

Four candidates were nominated for the remaining position and an election carried out. This was conducted and managed independently by The election was conducted by postal vote using the First Past the Post method. The election closed at 12.00pm, Friday 11 August, with 2,118 voting papers received. 

Stuart Begg was successfully elected to the committee after receiving the majority of votes. Mr Begg is the General Manager and a Director of Cates Grain & Seed Limited and has worked in the agricultural sector for more than 30 years.  

EA Networks would like to congratulate Jeanette and Stuart on their election to the committee and thanks those who participated in the process.  

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