Shareholders Committee Elections

Nominations for Candidates

Shareholders Committee

The Shareholders Committee of Electricity Ashburton Limited, trading as EA Networks, comprises four members elected by shareholders and three members appointed by the Ashburton District Council.  The Company’s constitution requires that every two years, two of the four members elected by the shareholders retire by rotation and a postal ballot held to elect two new members.

Mr Ian Cullimore and Mrs Jeanette Maxwell will retire by rotation.  Mrs Jeanette Maxwell has indicated that she intends to stand again for re-election, while Mr Ian Cullimore has decided not to.

The duties of the Shareholders Committee are: 

(a)     To appoint Directors of the company in accordance with the criteria established by the Shareholders Committee.

(b)     To receive the Statement of Corporate Intent for the Company and to discuss the performance of the Company with the Directors.

(c)     To report on the performance of the Company, including the assessment of its performance on a comparative basis, against other similar companies.

The shareholders committee role is a remunerated role. 

Nominations of candidates for election to the Shareholders Committee 

Nomination of Candidates for election close at 4.00 pm on Friday 23 June 2023. 

Nominations shall be on the prescribed nomination form. The nomination form can also be obtained from EA Networks, 22 JB Cullen Drive Ashburton Business Estate or by emailing Nominations must include a brief curriculum vitae, limited to no more than 500 words and suitable for posting out with ballot papers. An optional passport size photo may be included.

Election and appointment of Shareholders Committee Members

If the number of nominations exceeds the two vacant positions, a postal ballot will be conducted to elect two members of the Shareholders Committee. 




